We provide expertise in your most crucial areas of risk  management

Century Risk Management Group LLC is dedicated to providing private businesses, government agencies, and other organizations with substantial resources for all of your investigative, polygraph and risk management needs.  As a part of Century Risk Management Group LLC, we operate globally by co-owned Greater London Risk Management Services Ltd, our overseas regional office, located in London, England. With an international status, we are able to operate in many European Union countries and all 53 commonwealth countries.

What is a Risk Assessment?

A process to determine the cost or impact of an event or hazard that could pose a threat to the organization, and then assign a level of probability that it will materialize. Based on a risk assessment, management can then develop procedures or controls that can reduce or eliminate the risk.

Century Risk Management LLC provides detailed risk assessments for your business or organization, and to help you identify any hazards or vulnerabilities that may prove to be costly in the event of a crisis.

Offices:  United States of America and London, England.

​Click Here ​​ to read about Mr. Fleury in the book, "An Introduction to American Policing".

Polygraph Examinations

Our polygraph examiners are all graduates of the American International Institute of Polygraph, and have extensive experience conducting pre-employment and criminal polygraph examinations. Our certified examiners are also qualified by the American Polygraph Association as Post Conviction Sex Offender Testing Examiners PCSOT).

Our certified examiners are members of the American Polygraph Association, the Florida Police Polygraph Association., and the American Association of Police Polygraphists.  Our oversees examiners are also members of the UK Polygraph Association. Our examiners have conducted polygraph examinations for several municipal police departments, county sheriff's offices, and for federal judges with the Unites States Middle District Bankruptcy Court.


Polygraph Examinations